Sunday, September 19, 2010

Final Artwork

This is our final artwork for the project :)

Specialities of Creative Multimedia

Final Project- Random Word Image Association

We made sketches using random word image association by combining the word :

'Specialities of Creative Multimedia'

and the random word which we have chosen


These are all our sketches:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Final Project - Essay

Specialites of Creative Multimedia

As we try to explore more into creative multimedia, it is better when we get a clearer vision of the definition of the whole concept. Creative in general means the ability to create “a creative imagination” .This can be defined as a mental process of developing a new way of looking at something. Creativity leads to inventing new things which era; something that has never exist before, something that has already exist but we are not aware of and also a new process of doing something. When talking about creative, it gives us the impact of creating changes to culture and also as a satisfaction for individual or the whole society. Creative can best be described as the discovery of new ideas, concept and even association. Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. (Source: Wikipedia) Multimedia involves a lot of combination which are mainly from text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. Multimedia has a wider scope since it is used in computerized and electronic devices which have a lot of software and applications which we can use to form an artwork. Examples of production by multimedia includes, video, graphics, illustration, 3D modelling, 2d animation, 3d animation game system, interactive media, still images and forms, or a combination of each and every one of it. It is also considered as a “rich media” since multimedia has a lot discovery in its term. Creative multimedia is the way in which create technologies the concept of multimedia communications or combining creative and imaginative ideas with a strong understanding of communication in business, web design, video and animation, art and design, entertainment and education. The creative multimedia and information businesses have always been a terrific contributor to the economy. Together, the creative and media business sectors invest, produce and spread a huge content that educates, entertain and inform the public. People can communicate with artworks or production of creative multimedia through the access of activated broadband, internet and also smart phones. This also includes big advertising billboards that have a creative multimedia artwork printed or presented on it. There are many branch in creative multimedia such as photography, computer graphics, digital audio and video,2d animation, computer illustration,3d animation, interactive web design, advertising design, Internet Programming ,interface design,3d modelling, virtual reality, Imaging, digital media and etc. Photography is the process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electronic sensor(Wikipedia). It is a broad base of theory and practice from which to develop people creative approach to the craft of photography. Computer graphics are graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer. This kind of graphics involves people to skill software techniques in Illustrator, Photoshop, and other raster and vector programs. Skilling all of this software will be able us to create typography, visual arts, page layout techniques and etc. 2D animation is the computer-based generation of digital images mostly from two-dimensional models (such as 2D geometric models, text, and digital images) and by techniques specific to them. It is mainly used in applications that were originally developed upon traditional printing and drawing technologies, such as typography, technical drawing, advertising, etc.( Wikipedia). Moreover, this media provides a complete principles and techniques of drawn, model, and computer animation. People will learn every aspect of creating an animated film, from treatments, scripts and storyboarding. A bit different from 2d, 3D animation are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images. Advertising design is a creation and organization of visual artwork used in advertisements for products and services. The designs used in advertising are created by graphic designers. Advertising agencies or the advertising departments of company employ graphic designers to create and execute brochures, emailing, online ads, video ads and print ads. Design elements used in advertisements include fancy lettering, borders, cartoons, illustrations, photographs and video. The main difference between advertising design and regular mainstream artwork is that advertising art must be designed to reach and communicate with the target audience to purchase products and services. This kind of media need ability of generating creative ideas, visualize the concept, solve problems, and think strategically to enhance the power of marketing communication. Web design is the skill of creating presentations of content that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, micro blogging clients and RSS readers.( Wikipedia). Web design is a kind of graphic design speciality for development and styling of objects of the Internet's information environment to provide them with high-end consumer features. The offered definition separates Web design from web programming, emphasizing the features of a web site, as well as put web design as a kind of graphic design. Furthermore, interactive web design allow visitor to communicate with it. From my point of view, creative multimedia is an excellent form of art in our modern era as we can create so many useful things with the high-tech of electronic devices nowadays. Moreover, it specializes in many design multimedia contents which enables us to generate more creative artworks for the society. This is a very helpful tool because we can be professionals and have highly developed skills and knowledge in producing and developing creative multimedia content for online and offline purposes. In conclusion, the integration of creative multimedia can really help us to develop stronger aspects of information and communication for the usage of our advertising industry and we can even contribute for the technology of future.

Final Project - Mindmap 2


Final Project - Mindmap 1


Thursday, August 12, 2010

my random word exersice

Here is the copy of my random words/image association exersice which I did in class.

p/s: i hope you get whats the meaning of my "scary" image sketch which doesn't look so scary. haha. well, i tried :D

random word to image association

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.In this week lecture, my lecturer had given us many examples of image association from random words.Below is one of the example:

How to make a person stop smoking in 6 months time?

Traffic light


For example, if you choose COLOURS,

Paint different colors to the cigarette to indicate the level of danger that the smoker is getting into. Starting off with, Green; start smoking and start to feel stupid,, Yellow; entering the dangerous zone and finally Red; you are now about to commit suicide!

For our own exersice, we were given a topic to create an image association. I will write about what we did in class in my final post. :)

poems examples

Here's another 2 samples of poem which I created.
Have fun reading it :)

Life is like a candle
The shimmering lights,
just like a lighting candle,
brightens your day,
but life is short,
You never know when you're going to fade out.

Happiness is like time,
It runs fast when you are in joy,
It ticks slowly when you are sad,
But you never realize the happiness you had,
Until it stops.

Poems ; love and chilli

This week's lecture, we were given an exersice to write poems based on random words. The first task was to write a poem about Love and Chilli.

It was hard at first but turns out its kinda fun to write the poems spontaneously as I had never done anything like this before ;p

So here goes my poem:

Love is like a red hot chilli ,
It gets exciting when you like it,
it hurts when its too spicy,
And it keeps you warm just like the colour.
Just like love ;)

Juxtaposition creative examples

The juxtaposition between poor and rich.
Juxtaposition between skinny and curvy models.

Juxtaposition between a river and the "one way" sign. :)
Juxtaposition between childran obesity ads and a Macdonalds ads which really gives a meaning about food and obesity.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Juxtaposition is the arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development.

With simple words, it means the contrast of two or more different ideas to create a message for others.
Remedios Varo: Creation of the Birds

This is an example of juxtaposition of combining an owl and a human made by Remedios Varo. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Example: Mortar and Pestle Associative Mindmap

Here is my copy of the exersice I did in class which involves about mortar and pestle associatiove mindmap in my previous post. :)

Associative Mindmap

Using an associated mind map, we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection. By this method, we are able to think in a more creative way by connecting two random words that doesn't have anything in common.
This is what my lecturer had given us for an exersice on associative mindmap.

Mortar & pestle associative mindmap

We had to relate any random words which we have to choose based on the mind map about mortar and pestle. Then, we have to create a solution for it to work in terms of object.
In my next post I will give u the sketch I made during the class exersice.

Creative Mindmap of Myself

This is a digital mindmap I made about myself

Monday, July 12, 2010

Divergence and Convergence

For week 4, we were lectured about the convergent and divergent thinking methods. It is the process of making a decision with quite a different thinking methods.Each of them has two really opposite meanings.

When you need to explore and find new things, you use Divergent approaches. This is a process of looking for options, new ideas and so on.

When you are thinking convergently, you are seeking a conclusion, an answer, and closure on the topic in question.

When we are using this in creativity sense, it means that

we use convergent thinking to create new generation of ideas in numerous ways without judging on it. Where else, we use the convergent thinking to judge and conclude for one idea and to find the best solution for it.

One clear example of divergence and convergence is the road.

We all see that roads diverts into many places and we can still approach the same destination using many routes of the roads. But the convergence part is when we choose the best road that provides the fastest and simplest way to get to the destination to avoid traffic jams and very far routes. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Creative Public Figure

I have chosen our former Malaysian's prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as a my example of the creative public figure because there's so many things that he has done for this country. Out of all of his contributions, I want to express more about the invention of the federal territory, Wilayah Persekutuan PUTRAJAYA.

Putrajaya was the brainchild of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad who was in power then. In 2001, Putrajaya was made a Federal Territory, increasing the number of federal territories to three. Kuala Lumpur and Labuan are the other two.

Planned as the garden and intelligent city, 38% of the area in Putrahata is reserved for green areas by emphasizing the enhancement of natural landscape.

I am totally amazed on how he has planned everything to make a new vision in this country. Now, Putrajaya has its own attractions and the city is beautifully equipped with architechtural buildings and greenish scenery and landscape. I am so proud of him and that's why I have to say that he is one of the most creative public figure in Malaysia. :)

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

In Week 3 lecture, it was about getting a better understanding of these 4 main words which are NOVELTY, CREATIVITY, INNOVATION and INVENTION.

NOVELTY is the quality of being new

CREATIVITY is the the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.
Which can also be defined as the originality of an artwork/product and etc..

INNOVATION is the process of making improvements by introducing something new.
INVENTION is those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas.

From all these words, I would like to give this picture as an example of an INVENTION.

I got this as an example bacause the designer took the effort of designing a whole new concept of teapot with the existing knowledge of the original teapot strucutre combining it with its own style and creativity :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Creative Content

Here's some cool products which I find very interesting and fun products and creatively done by the designers. :)

This is called FINGER FOOD. The product helps people to do multi-tasking during a party. e.g: taking drink and taking small desserts at the same time. Very helpful and able to make a party more fun ;)

The cups are designed with all sorts of animals nose to make it more wild and unusual ;)

I love this product because it looks very realistic and at the same time it has its own function which we are able to write notes on the butter-looking-paper notes.


Generally, the definition of CREATIVITY is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing. (Wikipedia)Based on my opinion, i think that creativity is when someone thinks differently from the others. Some may be illogical but that is what that makes us different.Life would definitely be boring when we have the same thing over and over again without people creating or invent new ideas for it. People who are studying in creative course should really be thinking outside the box.This means that we cannot give up even though we cannot find any new ideas for something. We really should brainstorm ourselves as creative thinking needs time.It doesn't appear just like that. Therefore, personally i think that we are all creative IF we are positive-minded and doesn't give up when there are no ideas. That is what I have learned especially from Mr.Mustaffa's class when he lectured about Demystifying the Myth of Creativity.

1. Only special talented people are creative.
2. Being creative is hard.
3. Problems are in our life to make it more difficult.
4. I am not creative.
5. Innovation is the domain of geniuses.
6. I have to have brand new ideas in order for me to be considered creative.
7. Brainstorming is hard work.
8. Only artists need to be creative.
9. Using structured creative techniques will hinder my ability to be creative.

From now on, I should really be saying FALSE to all this statements so that I am able to express my creativity and not giving up no matter in what situations. :)These are the statements that he told us to say FALSE to all of it:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Creative Image of Friend

Introduction of Creative Blog

Hello readers! I'm starting this blog to let me and everyone of us being exposed to more topics related to creativity as well as its history and studies. As what my lecturer mentioned in his class, this blog is all about a creative journey. We should be having fun with it as well as to gain more knowledge about the subject,CREATIVE STUDIES. I hope I will add more skills to my creative thinking and be able to provide more creative ways and understanding to solve a certain problem or situation. ;)

Always remember that,
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
-quoted by the famous artist, Pablo Picasso :)