Monday, July 12, 2010

Divergence and Convergence

For week 4, we were lectured about the convergent and divergent thinking methods. It is the process of making a decision with quite a different thinking methods.Each of them has two really opposite meanings.

When you need to explore and find new things, you use Divergent approaches. This is a process of looking for options, new ideas and so on.

When you are thinking convergently, you are seeking a conclusion, an answer, and closure on the topic in question.

When we are using this in creativity sense, it means that

we use convergent thinking to create new generation of ideas in numerous ways without judging on it. Where else, we use the convergent thinking to judge and conclude for one idea and to find the best solution for it.

One clear example of divergence and convergence is the road.

We all see that roads diverts into many places and we can still approach the same destination using many routes of the roads. But the convergence part is when we choose the best road that provides the fastest and simplest way to get to the destination to avoid traffic jams and very far routes. :)

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