Monday, July 19, 2010


Juxtaposition is the arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development.

With simple words, it means the contrast of two or more different ideas to create a message for others.
Remedios Varo: Creation of the Birds

This is an example of juxtaposition of combining an owl and a human made by Remedios Varo. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Example: Mortar and Pestle Associative Mindmap

Here is my copy of the exersice I did in class which involves about mortar and pestle associatiove mindmap in my previous post. :)

Associative Mindmap

Using an associated mind map, we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection. By this method, we are able to think in a more creative way by connecting two random words that doesn't have anything in common.
This is what my lecturer had given us for an exersice on associative mindmap.

Mortar & pestle associative mindmap

We had to relate any random words which we have to choose based on the mind map about mortar and pestle. Then, we have to create a solution for it to work in terms of object.
In my next post I will give u the sketch I made during the class exersice.

Creative Mindmap of Myself

This is a digital mindmap I made about myself

Monday, July 12, 2010

Divergence and Convergence

For week 4, we were lectured about the convergent and divergent thinking methods. It is the process of making a decision with quite a different thinking methods.Each of them has two really opposite meanings.

When you need to explore and find new things, you use Divergent approaches. This is a process of looking for options, new ideas and so on.

When you are thinking convergently, you are seeking a conclusion, an answer, and closure on the topic in question.

When we are using this in creativity sense, it means that

we use convergent thinking to create new generation of ideas in numerous ways without judging on it. Where else, we use the convergent thinking to judge and conclude for one idea and to find the best solution for it.

One clear example of divergence and convergence is the road.

We all see that roads diverts into many places and we can still approach the same destination using many routes of the roads. But the convergence part is when we choose the best road that provides the fastest and simplest way to get to the destination to avoid traffic jams and very far routes. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Creative Public Figure

I have chosen our former Malaysian's prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as a my example of the creative public figure because there's so many things that he has done for this country. Out of all of his contributions, I want to express more about the invention of the federal territory, Wilayah Persekutuan PUTRAJAYA.

Putrajaya was the brainchild of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad who was in power then. In 2001, Putrajaya was made a Federal Territory, increasing the number of federal territories to three. Kuala Lumpur and Labuan are the other two.

Planned as the garden and intelligent city, 38% of the area in Putrahata is reserved for green areas by emphasizing the enhancement of natural landscape.

I am totally amazed on how he has planned everything to make a new vision in this country. Now, Putrajaya has its own attractions and the city is beautifully equipped with architechtural buildings and greenish scenery and landscape. I am so proud of him and that's why I have to say that he is one of the most creative public figure in Malaysia. :)

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

In Week 3 lecture, it was about getting a better understanding of these 4 main words which are NOVELTY, CREATIVITY, INNOVATION and INVENTION.

NOVELTY is the quality of being new

CREATIVITY is the the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.
Which can also be defined as the originality of an artwork/product and etc..

INNOVATION is the process of making improvements by introducing something new.
INVENTION is those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas.

From all these words, I would like to give this picture as an example of an INVENTION.

I got this as an example bacause the designer took the effort of designing a whole new concept of teapot with the existing knowledge of the original teapot strucutre combining it with its own style and creativity :)