Thursday, August 12, 2010

my random word exersice

Here is the copy of my random words/image association exersice which I did in class.

p/s: i hope you get whats the meaning of my "scary" image sketch which doesn't look so scary. haha. well, i tried :D

random word to image association

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.In this week lecture, my lecturer had given us many examples of image association from random words.Below is one of the example:

How to make a person stop smoking in 6 months time?

Traffic light


For example, if you choose COLOURS,

Paint different colors to the cigarette to indicate the level of danger that the smoker is getting into. Starting off with, Green; start smoking and start to feel stupid,, Yellow; entering the dangerous zone and finally Red; you are now about to commit suicide!

For our own exersice, we were given a topic to create an image association. I will write about what we did in class in my final post. :)

poems examples

Here's another 2 samples of poem which I created.
Have fun reading it :)

Life is like a candle
The shimmering lights,
just like a lighting candle,
brightens your day,
but life is short,
You never know when you're going to fade out.

Happiness is like time,
It runs fast when you are in joy,
It ticks slowly when you are sad,
But you never realize the happiness you had,
Until it stops.

Poems ; love and chilli

This week's lecture, we were given an exersice to write poems based on random words. The first task was to write a poem about Love and Chilli.

It was hard at first but turns out its kinda fun to write the poems spontaneously as I had never done anything like this before ;p

So here goes my poem:

Love is like a red hot chilli ,
It gets exciting when you like it,
it hurts when its too spicy,
And it keeps you warm just like the colour.
Just like love ;)

Juxtaposition creative examples

The juxtaposition between poor and rich.
Juxtaposition between skinny and curvy models.

Juxtaposition between a river and the "one way" sign. :)
Juxtaposition between childran obesity ads and a Macdonalds ads which really gives a meaning about food and obesity.